Monday, March 06, 2006

There is no ladder...

So, my roomie has been gone for a long time now. She gets back this Thurs though, wahooo. I am pretty pumped b/c it has been pretty lonely. It was ok for the first couple of days, then at night when we watch our shows and recap our days it was pretty boring and lonely. Which brings me to my next thought.
I love growing up and learning new and different things. I love new situations that enlighten my thoughts and allow me to process what I think and feel about all sorts of things. I love going through many situations and I really love where I have been and all that it has taught me. Let me tell you right now that I am reading this book that you all must read. As most of you know I am not in any way "a reader", so this book is not new by any means b/c I am usually the last to find out about the "cool, new" books. I think it is a couple of years old and also as you know I am not really on the up and up.
(Real quick let me tell you what just happened in the office. I am filling out these ski forms online that require many stats about the skier, such as height, weight, shoe size you get the point. One kid did not fill out his form in its entirety, so I needed a little help on this guys stats. I start to ask Austin and got distracted then I did it again and again, after the fourth time of doing that he turned around and said, "Wow, you are going to have to formulate a sentence at some point." It was absolutely the funniest thing that has come out of that kids mouth and I died laughing.)
Back to reality, this book that is quickly changing my life is called "Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller yeah yeah he wrote Blue Like Jazz, but people I am telling you if you have not read or picked up this book do so today. It is great. I could go on and on about it and some may say I already have, but I love it.
I just got finished with the chapters about Adam and Eve and the fall of man and all I can say is beautiful. Every word I read in that chapter. I cannot wait to read on. I also read the part about the "alien" coming to earth. It was perfect. Not to forget the lifeboat theory. Wow, this guy is great. There is no ladder. We are all equal. Think about it. If we are to become like Jesus and truly get who He is, we must first learn that there is no ladder.
Out of all the books on my shelf if you want to find out the ones I have really read, which are about 4, you can flip through them and see if any sentence or word or paragraph is underlined. I am an underlined b/c if it was a good point and I want to go back to it at some point it is easier than reading it all over. Hey, I read it once not going to do it again. Let me be the first to say I think I have underlined almost every word on every page of this book.
I got to spend a whole day with my daddy. It was a great day that Friday. We went to the girls state basketball tournament at UT in Austin. We had a blast together eating, watching basketball, eating some more. Nothing better than quality time with my daddy. Missed you, ma.
I also got to see and hang out with Mija, Ros, and Ferika. It was very refreshing to see them and eat at Shady Grove. Many good times and lots of laughter. If you go there do not get Aaron with the toboggan and long curly hair to be your waiter.
At the last game I got to see an old h.s. teacher and great friend and my boys who are growing up too fast. That was fun.
I thought about giving up certain things for lent i.e. cokes, fast food, and tv. Then, I thought yeah right, get real. Therefore, I figured I needed to start a few things i.e. reading (doing that) and working out (have done it once and plan to begin) I know what you are all saying right now, shut up.


Kara said...

you sound kind of like me. for lent i gave up days with no exercising...which basically means I have to exercise every day. on ash wednesday i got a horrible cold and i am still not over it. lent hasn't officially started for me yet. : )

Kat said...

Remember when you updated your blog, I don't.

ps...i'm over the whole "over-rated" thing, but I knew it would get a stir out of you.